Promoting Health Through Homœopathy
in Sydney and beyond
Since 1985
George & Jacqualine Dimitriadis
Specialising in Homœopathic Medicine

At the Hahnemann Homœopathic Medicine Centre Parramatta, named after the founder of Homœopathy Dr Samuel Hahenemann (1755-1843), we utilise Homœopathy to treat a wide range of health conditions in people of all ages. In some cases we have several generations from the same family under our care.
Homœopathy is an effective way to treat many varying disease conditions (mental, emotional and physical) and at the same time avoid the unwanted side effects that come with many mainstream pharmaceutical medicines. You are welcome to call if you would like to know more about how Homœopathy can help you and your family regain their health and happiness. Read more about Homœopathy.
Our main clinic is situated at the northern end of Church Street Parramatta. We are also available in Blaxland in the Lower Blue Mountains. For those patients living further away we offer consultation via SKYPE .
We share clinic space with chiropractor Dr Christopher Heggie who we recommend for your chiropractic needs.
Clinics in Parramatta and Blaxland in Lower Blue Mountains
Appointments available Monday – Saturday
Skype consults available for distance patients
Inquiries welcome (61)02 86280451 or 0412402244